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Christian Ntsinran Yangro (CNY) Ministry

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Ozamo Odyuo

First Sunday School Superintendent 


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               Rev R P Murry

Asst. Pastor & Superintendent

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Yanarao Ovung


Past Superintendents & Director

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Outreach Evangelism 

Generation Kingdom Brave (GKB) conducted an outreach program on September 1, 2024, with the Sunday School children of Bor Lengri Lotha Baptist Church. The event showcased the talents and spiritual growth of GKB children, who took the lead in various segments, demonstrating their active engagement and leadership within the program. Here’s an elaborate breakdown of the event:


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The program commenced with an opening prayer led by Mhonjan. Renchithung led a heartfelt session of singing and worship, engaging the children in lively praise and worship songs.Jamessharing insightful about the mission and activities of Generation Kingdom Brave. Nchumbeni shared a personal testimony on how being part of GKB had influenced their spiritual journey and personal growth. Senthunglo presented an original poem that reflected faith, courage, and hope. Zuchanbeni concluded the event with a testimonial, sharing experiences and insights gained through GKB. 


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The outreach program successfully bridged connections between GKB and Bor Lengri Lotha Baptist Church.